We would like to say a HUGE congratulations to Dan Sawatzky and Devin Wiebe on completing a task that most people would never dream of. Both men ran/walked for 24 hours at separate events. Both men had a different reason for doing this.
Dan ran the same weekend as family camp. Most of his run was by himself. What kept him motivated and focused was keeping the families at camp in mind. Each family at camp has a diagnosis of their own, as did the Sawatzky family. Their son Alexander passed away in 2017, after an 8 month battle with DIPG, an aggressive brain tumour. Dan and Janet started Alexander’s Army. They collect money and toys for kids in the Children’s Hospital. They do a bike ride from Winkler to Winnipeg each June, in memory of Alexander.
Devon heard about us through his friends Dylan & Ravae. Their baby girl Drew was diagnosed with SCIDS in 2022 and required a bone marrow transplant. Although her diagnosis wasn’t cancer, her treatment still required the special care of CK5, which falls under our umbrella of care as well. Devon ran in the Beaudry Fall Classic on September 30.
The 2 events combined brought in a whopping $4890.00!!! We are thankful for those who believe in what we do and support us. Thank you both for completing this INCREDIBLE feat for our families. ♥️🎗️
